SRC20 Token Contract
Smart Contract: SRC20 specific
Created: Final Step in SRC20 deployment (see Swarm Tokenization App)
Purpose: Creates and configures a specific SRC20 token
Example: NUVO on Ropsten
Feature Description
Read Functions
Function | Description |
| See Allowances below |
| Name of this SRC20 token as set by the issuer |
| Current SRC20 supply (in Wei) |
| Number of decimal places this SRC20 token is defined to |
| Maximum supply of this SRC20 tokens that can be minted (in Wei) |
| Same as totalSupply |
| Address of the Transfer Restriction contract governing transfers for this SRC20 (not yet implemented; this function is for future reference) |
| Returns the token balance for this SRC20 of a specific address |
| Returns the token balance for this SRC20 of a specific address |
| Address of the Roles smart contract governing roles for this SRC20 |
| Returns the address of the contract owner |
| Returns true if the caller is the current contract owner address of this SRC20 |
| Ticker code or symbol of this SRC20 token |
| Returns the next nonce expected by transfer functions. Nonce is incremented after each successful transfer |
| Address of the |
| Address of the TokenFeatures smart contract for this SRC20 token |
| Returns the number of tokens a spender address has been allowed to spend on behalf of and from the owner address. It means another address (spender) can be allowed to spend SRC20 residing in the function caller's address |
| Address of the |
| Returns next nonce expected by transfer functions for a certain address |
Write Functions
Function | Description |
| Transfers tokens from one address to another. This call only requires that |
| Approve the |
| Perform multiple token transfers from the token owner's address. The tokens must already be minted. Can only be executed by a delegate 1. Token issuer must first specify a delegate (owner is not a delegate by default) to use this function 2. Token issuer must call |
| Burns an amount of tokens from a specified address. Tokens are sent to the zero address, Only token issuers can call this function |
| Internal function used by the |
| Transfer token to specified address. Caller needs to provide an authorization signature obtained from MAP API, signed by an authority accepted by the token issuer. Used by the |
| Increase the number of SRC20 tokens, by a value, that an already permitted spender address can spend on behalf of the function caller |
| Can only be called by |
| Updates the addresses of the Restrictions contract and/or rules |
| Contract owner can renounce ownership of this contract. All functions that can only be called by the owner will subsequently no longer be available |
| Only a delegate can call this function. Performs multiple transfers of this SRC20 from the token owner's address. The tokens must already be minted and in the owners address. If this function is called by someone other than the owner (must be a delegate defined in the |
| Can only be called by Owner. Burns an amount of tokens from a specified address. Value describes the amount in Wei |
| Reduces by an amount, the number of SRC20 tokens that can be spent by a |
| Transfer of an amount of this SRC20 tokens from the a sender address to a recipient’s address respecting the |
| Transfers an amount of SRC20 token to specified address. Caller needs to provide an authorization signature obtained from MAP API, signed by an authority accepted by the token issuer. Used by the |
| Called by the |
| Transfers ownership of this contract to another address. Can only be called by the contract owner. |
Event | Description |
| Event created by contract when initial ownership is created or when the ownership is transferred |
| Event created by contract when initial ownership is created or when the ownership is transferred |
| Event created by contract when the restrictions and rules contracts is updated |
| Event created by contract when a transfer occurs for this SRC20 respecting the |
| Event created by contract when when a spender has received approval to spend on behalf of another holder of SRC20 tokens |
Last updated