

This smart contract is meant to:

Create proofs of the existence of a Hash (representing some document or text), thus verify their existence

  • Owner (and whitelisted others) can create new proofs, like verified time-based document watermarks on the blockchain

  • Contract creates proofs as NFT/ERC721, which can be sent to a recipient address

  • Whitelisted others can add confirmations for proofs

  • Roles:

    • default_admin: contract deployer set as default, can be transferred; is allowed to grant/revoke all roles (admins + whitelists)

    • proof_whitelisted: add/delete proofs; admins are not automatically whitelisted, so that needs to be added if desired

    • confirm_whitelisted: add/delete confirmations of proofs

  • Note: Recipient wallets need to be able to handle ER721. For safety reasons, it is not possible to send a token to a contract that does not explicitly support it.

tl/dr instructions

  • Tools:

  • proofs

    • whitelist deployment address plus any group of addresses with grantRole() as Proof_Whitelisted using 0xf555e1ec80c58c7664dc73d872d3ef6e07bdd9c5ba6b3bf7a91ffaa413b8dac5

    • create new proof with addProof() using proofHash (hash of a document, file, string, etc.), string (any description of the hash) and the address where the proofHash shall be sent to

    • (If you hold the proof in your address) you can delete it by using deleteProof()

  • confirmation of proofs

    • whitelist any group of addresses with grantRole() as Confirm_Whitelisted with 0x53eebd7fe83ace838d6b0a9d4f111237deb02359c62b25f1025613d537b2379b

    • create new confirmation of a proof with addConfirmation() using tokenId

  • Review proof data

    • Query either using getProofData() and/or getProofIdByHash() to getproofHash, timestamp, description`

Notable Functions

Read Functions

Write Functions

Swarm - Example Use Cases

Core initial use case

The Swarm Council can publish protocols of decisions taken on GitHub and verify the Hash via VerifiedExistence:

  • Dedicated contract for VerifiedExistence for Swarm Network

  • Contract owner and proof_whitelisted is multisig with council members (tbd)

  • Council published documents with hashes;

  • Create Proof (Hash + meta data) and proof NFT / ERC721 is sent to dedicated wallet (e.g. Gnosis Safe, which allows ERC721 to be kept as “Collectibles”)

  • Example: Swarm Council Votes (SCVs)

Other potential use cases:

Proof of Masternode

  • Smart contract, which tracks verified Masternodes, could be added to proof_whitelisted of a contract put in place by council

  • A smart contract / person / process could keep track of active masternodes and create/delete corresponding proofs and send proof NFTs to masternode wallets

  • Masternode distributions could be using NFTs held as basis for reward distribution

  • Masternodes could be confirming various actions of the Council contract

Masternodes could be added as confirm_whitelisted

  • Can then add supporting votes (confirmations) to certain actions

Last updated